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Book Reviews
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The Hungry Caterpillar
by Eric Carle

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Josefina American Girl Books
by Valerie Tripp

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So far the book is very good. This is our first book on Josefina.

Hunters Of The Great Forest
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Awesome wordless picture book

April Foolishness Book
by Teresa Bateman

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Potty Power
by Eunice Moyle and Sabrina Moyle

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Kiddo laughed and laughed

Sea Of Dreams
by Dennis Nolan

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Another awesome wordless picture book

Counting Crows
by Kathi Appelt

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Kept the interest of the 4 year-old for the entire book.

Harry Potter Chamber Of Secrets
by Jk Rowling Books

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We love this book and can’t wait to read the next one.

Potty Power
by Eunice Moyle and Sabrina Moyle

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Kiddo laughed and laughed

Counting Crows
by Kathi Appelt

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Kept the interest of the 4 year-old for the entire book.